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About Us

"Shareholder value is a result, not a strategy … Your main constituencies are your employees, your customers and your products."

Jack welch

Our Story

Turky’s Group started in early 80’s as a local tailoring mart by brothers Salim, Murtadha, late Yunus and their late father Mr. Hassan Turky.


Under the leadership of Mr. Toufiq Salim Turky and Abdallah Salim Turky, next generation entrepreneurs, group evolved as one of the leading conglomerates in Tanzania.  With group Headquarter in Zanzibar has progressively spread across the Isles of Zanzibar, Mainland Tanzania and Union of Comoros.


VIGOR Group has been successful to set a strong foothold in diverse sectors such as Services Sector: (Health Care, Hospitality, Automobile & Real estate) Manufacturing Sector (Bottling, Packaging, Cement & Oil and Gas) Merchandising (FMCG & Construction) Logistics (Shipping & Port Services) Energy (Renewable Energy) and become a household name among its customers.



To be a pioneer in offering top-notch products and services to the general public at rates they can afford, wherever we do business.



Making an investment into Supplies, Services, and especially Local Manpower at the very same time, which benefits Society by bringing in money and creating jobs for locals.




Our Team

Group Ambassador

Group Ambassador

Khyatam Salim Turky
Group CFO

Group CFO

Oloo Dickson 
Group IT  Yuvaraj Neelakandan.jpeg

Group IT

Yuvaraj Neelakandan
Group  HR_edited.jpg

Group HRM

Edith Abela Benkobeza
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Group Auditor

Zahra Abdalla
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